Friday, June 6, 2008

OK well I have decided to try to figure this blog thing out. I am getting the hang of it (I think). This is going to be a great way of keeping in touch with family and friends that we have moved away from or ones that are close. This one will be the longest blog I promise.
I cannot believe we have been gone from So. Cal for almost four years (This July 31, 2008). Wow how time flies. So much has happened in just four years. I will sum it all up hopefully in a few sentences. We move up to Chico to partner with the Wallings and Matthews Cafe, to start a college age bible study, and did for about 1 1/2 years. Then God had other plans he moved Jay into the leadership team at Matthews Cafe and now He and Terry are co-pastors at the church. God works in ways we never expect. About 1 1/2 years after moving up here we found out Jay had Hodgkin's disease. That is a praise and a long story in its self, how God worked through that and the amazing blessings that came from that. The amazing stories we have of God's blessings and miracles. He is still cancer free 2 years later!! Praise God. Our boys have grown so much we almost have a teenager. Valor will be 13 in Oct., Ethan will be 11 in Sept., Jadon was 8 in Feb., and Breandan was 4 in Feb. Sheri is still staying home with Breandan but he will be in preschool next year. We have found the most amazing Charter school. It is the best public school that we could hope for for our boys. It is K-8th, so all kids will actually be there at the same time.
There are so many more blessings and hard times (we never want to forget those "learning experiences") so hopefully I will be able to share the new ones as they come and we know they both will. As long as I can keep up with this blog. I hope to connect with lots of friends also old and new. For now we pray that everyone is doing great and living a life full of his blessings.


My Blessed Life said...

Hello Sheri welcome to the blog world. I am so glad you will be doing this so I can keep up with the Nash family.

God's Girl said...

Yay! I love to see family pictures... I am so glad you decided to do this. Your boys are growing up so quickly and I love hearing how things are going for all of you.

Love to you and the family.

Leigh said...

I love this blog thing... I got an e-mail from Tammy Aranna to check out Julie's blog and I am now getting a glimpse into the lives of all my old friends. The boys are getting so so big. It is fun to see how much they have grown If you are ever in Lodi stop by. I too have been inspired to blog. Check it out. I have pictures of the girls there.