Thursday, March 26, 2009

15 Years!

I can't believe we have been married for 15 years. It is awesome to realize that I have known Jay for more of my life then I didn't know him (if that makes since). We met when we were 16 and 17 and married at 20 and 21 It has been so awesome to see everything God has placed before us in the past 15 years, good and bad, and to see our relationship growing stronger everyday. Thank you Lord for a wonderful husband.

Last weekend we went away, not very far only 20 min, for 4 days. We had the opportunity to go to Richardson Springs which is a YWAM base. We had our own little apartment like place. It was nice to just relax and go hiking and hang out just the two of us. Life gets so busy right now it was great to spend this time together with out kids and responsibilities. Mema and Papa played Mom and Dad for the weekend and the boys kept them busy.

The place we stayed

A hike up to the water falls.

Monday, March 23, 2009

Baseball time!!

So we are finally there. The day that we were wondering about for years. "How are we going to do it?" All four boys are playing baseball. Valor 13 in Juniors (Crushers), Ethan 11 in Majors, (Padres), Jadon 9 in minors (Dodgers yeah!)and Breandan 5 in T-ball (Astros). God knew this would be CRAZY for us, so he blessed us with a league where all the different divisions play at the same park at least Yeah!!! We will just rotate between fields. Jay and I missed most of opening day because we were gone for our anniversary (I will post that later) so Mema and Papa got to have all the fun. Four sets of pictures and 4 games all before 12:30. We didn't go very far away on our trip so we had to come back just to see Breandan's very first baseball game. We also caught the end of Jadon's game.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

One of Those Moments

So many times as parents we talk and talk and talk to our kids and hope that they are listening and thinking about what we say. Then, they do something that makes us look at each other and say "He really was listening". We had that moment yesterday with Valor. He is a typical teenager that thinks alot about himself and what he needs and what he wants, etc. We have just been talking to him a lot about serving others and thinking of others. He has actually been doing pretty good, but we were just so blown away yesterday we just have to share.

He won 2 tickets to the Newsboys concert on Air1. He loves music and listening to the radio so we were so excited for him when we got the message. Valor was at school, so we saved it for him. He listened to it when he got home. Now what we expected was total excitement that he gets to go but the first thing he said was "Now Ethan can go to the concert!" WHAT! We were so shocked. You see Newsboys is one of Ethan's favorite bands and Valor, knowing that, entered to help Ethan get tickets!!! None of us knew he was doing this, not even Ethan, so he could have just taken the tickets himself, but he didn't. We were floored. We can't even explain how we felt, it was just one of those moments! So of course we just had to call the station and asked if we could buy a third ticket so he could go too, and they said yes, so both boys are going.

It is just the best thing ever to see God working in our kids lives. To see the change and we praise Him for it. We know he is still a typical teenager and we will still have our issues, but it is nice to know his true heart and that God is working in him.

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Valor - 30 Hour Famine

Hey guys it's VALOR,

I’m doing a fundraiser called “30 hour famine”, where me and my youth group at church don't eat for 30 hours to see what people in Africa go through every day. We don’t actually start the famine yet, but the first part is fundraising to give the money to feed kids in Africa. The famine starts April 24th at 12:00 pm and ends April 25th at 6:00pm. Please also be praying for me during this time. $30 will feed a child for a month. . It doesn't matter if you donate a $1 or $50. I would appreciate it. Donations are Tax Deductible! My goal is to raise $480 which will feed 2 kids for 8 months. So if you can please, donate =)!! If you have any question please contact me about this, by putting a comment on here with your email and I will email you back.

Here's more information about World Vision and the 30 Hour Famine program:
World Vision is a Christian humanitarian organization dedicated to working with children, families and communities worldwide to reach their full potential by tackling the causes of poverty and injustice.

Motivated by our faith in Jesus Christ, World Vision serves alongside the poor and oppressed as a demonstration of God's unconditional love for all people.
World Vision serves all people, regardless of religion, race, ethnicity, or gender.
World Vision's 30 Hour Famine is an international youth movement to fight hunger. Students typically fast for 30 hours to spread awareness and raise funds to help provide food and care for children worldwide, including here in the US. Every $30 raised helps provide food and care for a child for a month (worldwide average).

For Fiscal year 2007, World Vision's overhead rate was 14%, meaning that 86% of total revenue went directly to our efforts in the field. For more information about World Vision's financials and stewardship, visit World Vision's web site at

To support my efforts to help feed and care for more children, please click on the link below and visit my fundraising page. Every $30 I raise will help provide food and care for a child for a month.

Click here to visit my personal fundraising page:

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Praise and Prayer

I have a praise and a prayer request. First the praise part, Valor and Joseph Kovacs have started a bible study at school. They are in the 7th grade and they have started meeting at lunch time. They approached us parents and said that they wanted to do this. So Jay and Cameron have encouraged them to lead it on their own. They are reading through a few verses a week and getting together to talk about it. The Dads take turns going to show them support. I have gotten great feedback from other parents that the kids are really enjoying it.

Well now for the prayer. The school is questioning the legality of it and just wants to know the laws. I think this is a great opportunity for the boys to learn what their rights are and to stand up for what they believe. We have been looking stuff up on line to get all the info together. Our next step is to meet with the principal with all of our information. The school is not wanting a fight just more info because they have not had this situation before. So please pray that the situation will be resolved and that the boys and us will come away from this knowing more about what our rights are as Christians in the public school. And what a great experience and example of living out our faith for these boys. They are excited about this chance.