Saturday, September 20, 2008

"Qaulity People"

So I went out to a game night last night with some ladies, I only knew a few people most of them went to another church. We started talking about different churches and them being grounded in the Word, which is the most important thing in a church, Then I was thrown for a loop when one of the ladies mentioned other Churches and said they have "Quality People". Wow that got my wheels turning. I didn't say anything because I was new but I really started thinking. Is that what we look for in a church "Quality People". Quality people in whose eyes? Aren't we all in Jesus'. I'll stop there. I have so many thoughts on this and wanted to throw it out there, in blog world, and get your feedback before I spill everything that God showed me with this. It actually made me sad to think about. Any thoughts???

I need to add this point because of some other thoughts. I was/am in no way judging this person who said this. It just sparked something in me to think about and discus. And since I didn't ask what she meant by it I cannot judge, but what do I (and you) think about it.


Cameron Kovacs said...

Weighty topic...
This got my mind going in several different directions (okay, so that's not too unusual, but we'll leave that alone for now!) I'll try to keep it short(er) and understandable.
First, I'm viewed right now, by another, as a poor-quality person, caused by a misinterpretation of sorts. So, it stinks to be thought of in that light. When Jesus walked this earth, He associated with those whom society looked down upon. He felt compassion for the ones who the world didn't care to give a second glance. In that trait, and many others, we are called to be like Him.
On the surface the term "quality people" in a particular church seems to have an immediate unspoken meaning that those who don't attend that church are somehow below par. If indeed, that was the thought, then we can trust that at some point in their lives, God will begin to challenge them to grow in the character of Jesus. In the meantime, we can be discouraged at such a statement, but be willing to extend a gracious love, recognizing that we, too, are being "worked on" by our Heavenly Father to become more Christlike.
The other thought that tumbled around in my head rests on the comments of the previous paragraph. It has to do with two very slippery words: humility and pride. When we elevate ourselves (even inadvertently) above others, we begin walking the road of Pride, which I have begun to recognize in myself can take on a lot of different looks. God is sweet to point it out and direct us to repentance. We seek humility, genuinely finding it, only to realize that, not long after, we are fighting our flesh to not be proud of our growth in the area of humility!
So what do pride and humility have to do with "quality people" and being Christlike? Well, the author didn't elaborate on their meaning of the comment, "quality people". I would like to think they didn't mean what is inferred. Perhaps not. But it's easy to feel the attack. If we hang on to the supposed blow to other churches we end up sitting in the camp of "pride". If, however, we mourn for the hearts that seem to be blinded to the beauty of the variety of people belonging to the Body of Christ, we can then leave those feelings at His feet and perhaps continue growing as we seek to be like Jesus in all aspects.
Thanks for the thought-provoking question...
See you at church :)

God's Girl said...

I think there is only one that is "quality" -- and His Name is Jesus! I think it would be better to say that (in describing people) "they really love Jesus" (hopefully, that's what they meant.

I pray that I would have more and more qualities of Jesus!!! He is our standard - you are right.

Janet Benlien Reeves said...

Wow, Sheri! You got my mind spinning, too. When Jesus walked this earth, He wasn't considered "quality"--the Pharisees were. Yet becoming like Christ is a Christian's life goal. His "qualities" are the ones we pray His Spirit will produce in our lives.

As our family moves and moves and moves, sometimes we get to choose our church and sometimes it's assigned. But when we choose, we look for people who are following Christ, studying God's Word, and seeking to know God better all the time. Those are "qualities" we look for in a church.

You know what I just thought? Quality is a word that has to be defined. Either something is good quality or poor quality or average quality. No wonder the phrase is confusing!

But the quality of a fabric or piece of wood is something that is set. Qualities within people are always changing as they mature and experience life. God's the only One who truly knows a person's quality--and He can always improve that as the person submits to Him.

Janet Benlien Reeves said...

Hi again! I need to edit that last sentence. Because God created each of us, we all have value in His eyes. I don't think God would say one person has more quality than another--that's not what I meant.

Just as we all have sinned, we all have potential to become what God intended us to be--only God knows where each of us is on that journey and only God can bring us closer to reaching that potential as we allow Him to work in our lives. Does that make sense? The closer we are to reaching that potential, the more of Christ's "qualities" will show up in our lives--that the world will know what God is like and want to know Him, too. Wow, Sheri! You ask deep questions.

God's Girl said...

I love what Andrea said. It is so well said!