Friday, November 7, 2008

Way to go Valor!

OK so I have not been here in a while and I have been tagged twice, I am working on that. But I have some other news.

Valor was nominated by a teacher and invited to the Junior National Young Leaders Conference in Washington D.C.. Ten kids in 6th and 7th grade from his school were invited. We are very proud of him. The letter he got said. " You were selected for this honor based on your maturity, academic success and leadership potential"

Their web site says:

"Junior National Young Leaders Conference (JrNYLC) offers mature, high-achieving middle school students the opportunity to learn about leadership by studying the leaders of the past and by focusing on social advocacy to make a positive impact in their homes and communities. Through an examination of both different historical time periods and characteristics of leadership, students will gain a better understanding of what it takes to become an effective leader.

So he would get to go to D.C. for six days and have conferences and go on tours and hang out with kids his age from all over the country. We don't know if he is going yet, we are looking into it more. We are also waiting to hear what other kids from his school may be going. But even if he doesn't go what an honor to be nominated and invited!!


God's Girl said...

Valor... way to go! I'm sure your maturity must have been partly developed in that awesome Children's Ministry you were in. HUH? HA!

You must be so proud. That is quite an honor!

Blessed said...

Congratulations Valor! I wish there were more kids like you out there among our youth.

Great job Jay and Sheri. You deserve some credit too. :)

Anonymous said...

Wow, what a blessing to witness how Valor has grown and matured as a young man and as a child of God. It's so cool to be able to catch-up through this vehicle... Who-ever would have thought Blogs would be a tie that binds! I have a lot of catch-in up to do!!!

Love, Hugs and Blessings to you guys...

My Blessed Life said...

WOW! way to make a mamma proud. Sheri Valor reflects the great parenting by you and Jayson.