I can't believe we have been married for 15 years. It is awesome to realize that I have known Jay for more of my life then I didn't know him (if that makes since). We met when we were 16 and 17 and married at 20 and 21 It has been so awesome to see everything God has placed before us in the past 15 years, good and bad, and to see our relationship growing stronger everyday. Thank you Lord for a wonderful husband.
Last weekend we went away, not very far only 20 min, for 4 days. We had the opportunity to go to Richardson Springs which is a YWAM base. We had our own little apartment like place. It was nice to just relax and go hiking and hang out just the two of us. Life gets so busy right now it was great to spend this time together with out kids and responsibilities. Mema and Papa played Mom and Dad for the weekend and the boys kept them busy.