I have a praise and a prayer request. First the praise part, Valor and Joseph Kovacs have started a bible study at school. They are in the 7th grade and they have started meeting at lunch time. They approached us parents and said that they wanted to do this. So Jay and Cameron have encouraged them to lead it on their own. They are reading through a few verses a week and getting together to talk about it. The Dads take turns going to show them support. I have gotten great feedback from other parents that the kids are really enjoying it.
Well now for the prayer. The school is questioning the legality of it and just wants to know the laws. I think this is a great opportunity for the boys to learn what their rights are and to stand up for what they believe. We have been looking stuff up on line to get all the info together. Our next step is to meet with the principal with all of our information. The school is not wanting a fight just more info because they have not had this situation before. So please pray that the situation will be resolved and that the boys and us will come away from this knowing more about what our rights are as Christians in the public school. And what a great experience and example of living out our faith for these boys. They are excited about this chance.
We'll be praying for your family, Sheri. Yay, Valor and Joseph! What a great opportunity. I pray all goes well.
If you haven't already been there, check with focusonthefamily.com. They have people who specialize in this.
Oh Sheri,
I will pray!
Lord, I pray for the boys and the school even now. Would You glorify Your Name through this O God?
What a great thing the boy's are doing.
We got called in for a conference when Angelika (then 1st grade) did her Christmas report in class on Jesus' Birth Instead of the Santa Clause book the teacher had read to them.
We'll be praying.
How cool! I am praying let us know how it all turns out.
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