OK so the bad news first, we did not even see this coming! Jay went in to the Orthopedic surgeon and he does have a fracture in his ankle, but the worse news is that he also broke his fibula bone. His leg has been sore as well as his ankle but we thought it was just from the bruising and favoring his ankle. The fibula which is the small bone in the shin is broken straight through. Also the tendons are torn and separated from the bone. SSOO he is going to have surgery next Thursday the 30th to put a pin in his leg, to hold the tendon next to his bone until the tendon heals (about 2 months). He is to put no pressure on it for that entire time, crutches and down time. Then in two months he will have another surgery to take the pin out. Please pray for him, the doctor said this is very painful recovery.
OK so now the good news. Valor's leg is probably just a strain on the Achilles. They are going to do an MRI next Friday, the 1st, just to make sure it is not worse. He should be moving around better soon if the MRI doesn't show anything else.
Thank you all for your prayers we know God is faithful and will take care of us. Many prayer requests here, God know them all. Jay will not be able to drive for many months and needs to stay down as much as possible so he is pretty bummed. Someday I hope we will be able to look back and laugh and see the things that we know God will show us through this.
WOW Sheri, that is not what we were expecting to hear. Please give Jay a hug for us; and we'll be praying for him.
We'll continue praying for you and Valor too. May he have a quick recovery and be able to help you with Jay and the kids.
Oh my goodness. 2 of them on crutches????? Ouch!
I will be praying!!!!
WOW!!!!! Sheri I will be praying for Jay and Valor but you too you are going to be one tired wife and mommy.
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